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2025 5th International Conference on Mechanical Design and Simulation

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  • 会议简介

    2025年第五届机械设计与仿真国际学术会议(MDS 2025) 将于2025年02月28-3月02日在中国大连召开。MDS 2025将围绕“机械设计”、“机械工程”与“建模与仿真技术”等相关最新研究领域,邀请知名专家、学术领军人物等出席会议并做精彩报告,为来自国内外高等院校、科学研究所、企事业单位的专家、教授、学者、工程师等提供一个分享专业经验,扩大专业网络,面对面交流新思想以及展示研究成果的国际平台,探讨本领域发展所面临的关键性挑战问题和研究方向,以期推动该领域理论、技术在高校和企业的发展和应用,也为参会者建立业务或研究上的联系以及寻找未来事业上的全球合作伙伴。


    雷亚国 教授

    洪堡学者、ASME Fellow、

    IET Fellow、ISEAM Fellow


    雷亚国,西安交通大学教授、博士生导师;美国机械工程师协会会士(ASME Fellow)、英国工程技术学会会士(IET Fellow)、国际工程资产管理协会会士(ISEAM Fellow)、国家杰出青年科学基金获得者、科睿唯安全球高被引科学家(2019-至今)、国家重点研发项目首席科学家(2项)、“三秦学者”全国一流创新团队带头人。现担任中国机械工程学会工业大数据与智能系统分会副主任委员、IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics、Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing等本领域著名期刊副主编。长期从事机械系统建模与动态信号处理、大数据智能故障诊断与寿命预测、机械状态健康监测与智能维护等方面的研究工作。研发的智能诊断系统在智能制造、能源电力、交通运输等领域得到广泛应用。曾获国家技术发明二等奖、中国青年科技奖、教育部自然科学一等奖、教育部青年科学奖、陕西省自然科学一等奖、霍英东教育基金会青年教师奖、庆祝中华人民共和国成立70周年纪念章。

    Eckart Meiburg 教授

    AMSE Fellow、APS Fellow


    Eckart Meiburg,美国加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校力学系杰出教授、流体力学交叉学科研究中心主任,曾任机械工程系主任,是美国物理学会会士(APS Fellow)、美国机械工程师学会会士(AMSE Fellow),兼任美国物理学会流体力学分会主席。Meiburg教授在海洋异重流、计算流体力学等领域有很深的学术造诣,是国际上异重流模拟领域最顶尖的科学家之一。2010年受邀在流体力学顶级综述期刊Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics (IF=12.33)上发表了题为Turbidity currents and their deposits的综述文章,近5年来,在Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Journal of Geophysical Research, Physical Review Fluids等国际专业权威期刊发表了10余篇关于异重流模拟的研究论文。

    娄燕山 教授



    娄燕山,西安交通大学“青年拔尖人才”A类,2014年至2015年,作为洪堡学者在德国科学院院士、多特蒙德工业大学A.E. Tekkaya教授领导的国际顶级成形技术与结构轻量化研究所(IUL),从事轻质金属的塑性本构和损伤断裂的实验设计、本构模型的构建以及有限元应用等方面的研究。

    提出的本构模型植入到国际著名商业有限元软件Ansys LS-DYNA( *MAT_LOU_YOON_ANISOTROPIC_ PLASTICITY )。2019年获NUMIFORM2019颁发的O.C. Zienkiewicz Award(有限元之父—辛克维奇奖)。获中科 院top期刊塑性力学学报颁发的2021年Int. J. Plasticity Young Research Award(国内首次)。

    魏正英 教授




    高玉飞 教授


    国家自然科学基金同行专家评议人;教育部研究生学位论文评审专家;山东省科技计划项目评审专家;山东省基金项目结题评审专家;《金刚石与磨料磨具工程》期刊编委会委员;国际太阳能协会(ISES)专业会员; 20余份国际期刊审稿人; 10余份国内期刊审稿人。


    Track 1: 机械设计模拟与仿真






    Track 2: 机械制造与装配设计






    Track 3: 基于Web和分布式仿真






    Track 4: 系统建模与仿真技术






    Track 5: 人工智能与机械设计






    Track 6: 模型驱动工程与建模语言







    Submit to the Conference | EI会议论文

    本会议投稿经过2-3位组委会专家严格审核后,最终所录用的论文将被Conference Proceeding出版,并提交至EI Compendex、Scopus检索。





    ◆论文应具有学术或实用价值,未在国内外学术期刊或会议发表过。作者可通过iThenticate查重 (查重链接:click),否则由文章重复率引起的被拒搞将由作者自行承担责任。涉嫌抄袭的论文将不被出版,且公布在会议主页。

    About MDS 2025

    2025 5th International Conference on Mechanical Design and Simulation

    2025 5th International Conference on Mechanical Design and Simulation (MDS 2025) will be held in Dalian China from February 28 to March 02 2025

    This conference will focus on research areas such as Mechanical Design Mechanical Engineering and Simulation Manufacturing. The aim of the discussion is to provide a platform for experts scholars engineering and technical personnel and technical research and development personnel engaged in Mechanical Design and Simulation Manufacturing to share scientific research results and cutting-edge technologies discuss academic development trends broaden research ideas and promote the industrialization of academic achievements. Meanwhile the conference is also a desirable platform for participants to expand professional connections and network and build international partnerships with others.

    We sincerely welcome experts and scholars at home and abroad business people and other interested individuals to participate in the conference and exchange!

    Important Dates

    Full Paper Submission Date

    February 01 2025

    Registration Deadline

    February 10 2025

    Final Paper Submission Date

    February 20 2025

    Conference Dates

    February 28 - March 2 2025


    Conference General Chair

    Prof. Paolo Mercorelli

    Leuphana University of Lueneburg Lueneburg Germany

    Paolo Mercorelli (Member IEEE) received a PhD degree in systems engineering from the University of Bologna Bologna Italy in 1998. In 1997 he was Visiting Researcher for one year with the Department of Mechanical andEnvironmental Engineering University of California Santa Barbara CA USA. From 1998 to 2001 he was Postdoctoral Researcher with Asea Brown Boveri Corporate Research Heidelberg Germany and this research activity has brought him 3 patents. From 2002 to 2005 he was Senior Researcher with the Institute of Automation and Informatics Wernigerode Germany where he was the leader of the control group. From 2005 to 2011 he was Associate Professor of Process Informatics with the Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences Wolfsburg Germany. Since 2012 he has been Full Professor and Chair of control and drive systems with the Institute for Production Technology and Systems Leuphana University of Lueneburg Lueneburg Germany. Since winter semester 2017/2018 he has been International Distinguished Visiting Professor with the Institute of Automatic Control Lodz University of Technology Lodz Poland where he has been responsible for different courses in the field of control of robotic systems. His current research interests include applications of Kalman filters robotics wavelets geometric control and sliding mode control. Dr. Mercorelli was the recipient of a three-year scholarship from the Marie Curie Actions Research Fellowship Program which is one of the most competitive and prestigious European awards sponsored by the European Commission from 1998 to 2001. He received seven best international conferences paper awards: IECON 2013 IECON 2014 CoDIT 2014 ICCC 2017 FedCSIS 2019 ACD 2019 ICCC 2020 ICSTCC 2023. He held twelve plenary lectures in international conferences. In the years 2019 2020 2021 2022 and 2023 he has been on the list of the top 2% scientists by Elsevier Database and (METRICS) University of Stanford (USA) (Ioannidis J.; Boyack K. & Baas J. 2020 Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators PLOS October 16). Since 2019 he has been Editor-in-Chief for the ?Transactions on Computer Research“ an Open Access Journal from WSEAS. Since 2022 he has beenEditor-in-Chief for the Section “Engineering Mathematics” in “Mathematics” an Open Access Journal from MDPI basel Switzerland. In summer semester 2023 he has been Visiting Professor with Chandigarh University India and responsible for the course of Control Systems.

    Prof. Zhenyu Zhang

    Dalian University of Technology China

    Zhenyu Zhang is a professor at Dalian University of Technology. His research interests include precision ultra-precision machining technology grinding polishing additive manufacturing laser processing technology and equipment. National Distinguished Professor the First Young Yangtze River Scholar of the Ministry of Education National Outstanding Youth Dalian Jieqing Liaoning Province Hundred Million Talent Project hundred level talents Liaoning Province Excellent scientific and technological workers Liaoning Province Excellent Master‘s degree thesis advisor and innovative talents of colleges and universities in Liaoning Province won the National Science and Technology Progress First Prize (Innovation Team) 1 (10/15). The first results obtained 60 national invention patents and 6 United States patents. 27 SCI journal cover articles were published as the first/corresponding author 1 with SCI impact factor greater than 30 and 14 with SCI impact factor greater than 10. As the first resulter he won the first prize of Hainan Science and Technology Progress Award and the first prize of Innovation Award of China Association for the Promotion of Industry-University-Research Cooperation. The research results have been applied to national key units such as the fifth aerospace Academy China Weapons Nuclear Ninth Academy and Ninth Aerospace Academy.

    Technical Program Committee Chairs

    Prof. Wenbin Hou

    Dalian University of Technology China

    Wenbin Hou professor and doctoral supervisor of Vehicle Engineering School of Mechanical Engineering Dalian University of Technology. His research interests are automotive digital intelligent and lightweight design. He received his PhD in Engineering from Jilin University in 2003. He has worked in the Computer Science postdoctoral mobile station of Jilin University visiting scholar in the School of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Michigan Senior research scholar in the School of Aeronautics and Mechanical Engineering of the University of Sydney Australia and the School of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Liverpool UK. He is now the director of Liaoning Provincial Vehicle Advanced Design and Manufacturing Engineering Technology Center and a member of the National Key Laboratory of Industrial Equipment Structure Analysis and Optimization and CAE Software. He is also a member of the board of directors of the Chinese Society of Automotive Engineering and a member of the editorial board of journals such as Automotive Engineering and Journal of Automotive Engineering. Presided over more than 10 key and surface projects of the National Nature Foundation provincial and municipal projects participated in more than 20 national major projects national “863“ projects “973“ projects published more than 100 scientific research papers and more than 80 SCI retrieval papers. He has won the second prize of National Science and Technology Progress the first second and third prizes of China‘s Automobile Industry Science and Technology Progress and the second prize of Liaoning Province teaching achievements.

    Prof. Maggie Guo

    Dalian University of Technology China

    Professor PhD supervisor member of high-performance precision Manufacturing research and innovation team of Dalian University of Technology mainly engaged in ultra-precision machining theory and technology machining process modeling and simulation and efficient machining technology of difficult-to-machine materials. As the project leader he has undertaken a number of projects including 1 key fund project (participating unit) of the National Natural Science Foundation 1 surface project 1 National Natural Science Youth Fund 1 National 973 project sub-project and 2 Liaoning Natural Science Foundation projects and participated in more than 10 key projects of the National Natural Science Foundation 973 project and national major research and development plans. Won 1 second prize of national technological invention 1 first prize of provincial and ministerial level 5 achievements appraisal of provincial and ministerial level; Published 1 monograph (national level); 66 papers have been published 48 have been included in SCI/EI and 14 have been published in TOP journals of Chinese Academy of Sciences/disciplines. He undertook the teaching work of “Mechanical Precision Design and Testing Technology“ mechanical manufacturing basic course design production practice etc. and won the “Excellent Teaching Quality Award of the school“ once and the second prize of the school teaching achievement. The doctoral master‘s and undergraduate students under the guidance have won national scholarships special scholarships outstanding master‘s theses of the university and awards and honors of the university Academic star.

    Prof. Xiaohong Lu

    Dalian University of Technology China

    Xiaohong Lu Doctor professor doctoral supervisor. His main research direction is micro milling technology. Precision machining and friction stir welding process measurement and control technology; Computer aided design manufacturing and testing. He has presided over longitudinal projects such as National Natural Science Foundation Youth Fund surface Project National major science and technology project key research and development project doctoral Fund of universities and Natural Science Fund of Liaoning Province. Participate in the national 973 project key research and development projects natural science Foundation major projects key projects and national science and technology major projects including a number of national vertical projects. Participated in winning the second prize of Science and Technology Award of the Ministry of Education 4 scientific and technological achievements appraisal of the Ministry of Education 1 first prize of Dalian Science and Technology Progress Award and 1 first prize of Dalian Patent Award. He has published more than 90 academic papers including more than 70 SCI/ indexed papers as the first or corresponding author and 1 highly cited by ESI; Authorized to apply for more than 20 invention patents; 2 applications of technological achievements in enterprises; As the chairman of the MSEC Branch of the International Academic Conference the technical advisor of the Composite Machine Tool Branch of the National metal Cutting Machine Tool Standardization Technical Committee He has been a guest reviewer for Applied Surface Science Journal of Manufacturing Processes Nonlinear Dynamics IEEE ASME and other international journals.

    Prof. Jianwei Ma

    Dalian University of Technology China

    Focusing on the direction of mechanical manufacturing he is mainly engaged in the research work of surface machining and process control of difficult-to-process materials laser precision machining and process control robot-assisted machining planning and control. As the project leader he has presided over 10 research projects including National Natural Science Foundation Project National Defense Basic Scientific Research Challenge Project National Science and Technology Major project Basic Research Project of Liaoning Provincial Education Department Key Laboratory China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Project and China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Special project. As a technical backbone he has participated in the research work of more than 10 projects such as key projects of the National Natural Science Foundation equipment pre-research projects science and technology research projects of the Ministry of Education and major scientific and technological innovation projects of Liaoning Province. More than 60 academic papers have been published (including acceptance) in authoritative journals and important international conferences in the field of machinery manufacturing of which more than 40 are included in SCI; Six academic papers were awarded 3 third prize of Liaoning Province Natural Science Academic Achievement (book class) 1 second prize of Dalian City Natural Science Excellent academic paper / 1 third prize “Journal of Mechanical Engineering“ 60th anniversary excellent paper. Applied for more than 90 Chinese invention patents applied for 2 international invention patents authorized 36 Chinese invention patents a number of patents have been successfully applied; Authorized software copyright 4. Selected in the national “Ten thousand Plan“ young top talent Liaoning Province “Xingliao Talent Plan“ young Top talent Liaoning Province “Ten million talent Project“ thousand level candidates Dalian City young science and technology star training program Dalian University of Technology “Xinghai Scholars“ talent training program.

    Call For Papers

    2024 4th International Conference on Mechanical Design and Simulation (MDS 2024) will bring together leading researchers engineers and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world.

    The topics of interest for submission include but are not limited to:

    · Mechanical Design

    · Mechanical Design and Manufacturing

    · Mechanical Drawing

    · Fundamentals of Mechanical Design

    · Artificial Intelligence and Mechanical Design

    · Machinery Manufacturing Equipment

    · Manufacturing and Assembly Design

    · Mechanical Manufacturing Technology

    · Modern Machinery Manufacturing Technology

    · Flexible Manufacturing Systems and Technology


    · Mechanical Design and Application

    · Simulation

    · Intelligent systems Sensors

    · Computer Aided Geometry Design and Simulation

    · Simulation Tools and Languages

    · Discrete Event Simulation

    · Complex Systems Modeling and Simulation

    · Continuous and Discrete Methodologies

    · Monte Carlo Simulation

    · Distributed Simulation

    · Simulation Optimization

    · Mathematical Modelling

    · Agent-based Modelling

    · Dynamic Modelling


    All papers will be reviewed by two or three expert reviewers from the conference committees. After a careful reviewing process all accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings and submitted to EI Compendex Scopus for indexing.

    Note: All submitted articles should report original research results experimental or theoretical not previously published or under consideration for publication elsewhere. Articles submitted to the conference should meet these criteria. We firmly believe that ethical conduct is the most essential virtue of any academics. Hence any act of plagiarism or other misconduct is totally unacceptable and cannot be tolerated.

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